Arsenal Soccer Day celebrated

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Arsenal Soccer Day celebrated

The Arsenal Soccer Day was celebrated on 4th March 2017 amidst lots of fun and excitement. With matches in three batches, Junior, Intermediate and Senior, the Arsenal Soccer Day was one of team spirit, sportsmanship and wholesome love for the sport.

The Junior category results: (Grades 2, 3 & 4)

Sportico Best Player of the Year First Place: Kesav N Babu

Sportico Best Player of the Year Second Place: Tomas Jacob

Sportico Best Player of the Year Third Place: P A Mathew Tharakan

The Intermediate category results: (Grades 5 & 6)

Sportico Best Player of the Year First Place: Akhil Joseph

Sportico Best Player of the Year Second Place: Vyshanavu Manoj

Sportico Best Player of the Year Third Place: Karan Isaac

The Seniors category reulst: (Grades 7,8)

Sportico Best Player of the Year First Place: Alan Antony Kondody

Sportico Best Player of the Year Second Place: Aadi Yesudas Suku

Sportico Best Player of the Year Third Place: Aditya Abraham Raju