An All Girls Team from GPS is off to the USA to vie for glory at the TIE Young Entrepreneurs event 2019

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An All Girls Team from GPS is off to the USA to vie for glory at the TIE Young Entrepreneurs event 2019

An all-girls team from Global Public School is all set to go to the USA to participate in the TiE Young Entrepreneurs competition. TYE is a global program that aims to foster the future generation of entrepreneurs.and is conducted by The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE)  TYE focuses on teaching entrepreneurship to high school students and helping them discover the rewards and challenges of becoming an entrepreneur.

During the program, the students form teams, go through classroom session modules focused on different aspects of business and entrepreneurship, and then write their own business plans.

The aim of each team was to come up with a unique product that satisfied a need in the market, and was also commercially and financially viable.

The all -girl team of Grade 11 students -Fathima Mehtab, Nivedita Rajeev and Bhagya Shankar competed against 9 other teams from Kochi and Trivandrum and went on to the Global Level Competition.

This year the Global level competition will be held in Boston University and Massachusetts Institue of Technology, Boston.  The finalist teams will need to present their business plan that includes everything ranging from technology to marketing to finance. The competition will be held on 21st and 22nd June 2019.