Annual Concert-Stepping Stones

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Annual Concert-Stepping Stones

The Annual Concert of Stepping Stones, “Somewhere in Dreamland”, held on Friday 18th December, 2015 had indeed ferried the spellbound spectators into a mesmerizing world of wonder and fantasy!

The charming play showcased two poor little sisters visiting a local fair.

Little Arabic dancers, children frolicking with umbrellas and ribbons, comic clowns, pretty little Samba dancers as well as the Spanish dance performed by the children had the audience bewitched. In the midst of all this, the girls, though poor themselves, cheerfully offered whatever little food they had, to an old haggard man at the fair.

As the delightful show progressed, all those present in the auditorium were visually transported to an enchanting world of dreams and fables where creepy crocodiles, alluring angels, tempting toys, tantalising treats of candy, cakes and ice cream were present in abundance. The aerial dance by the Angel had everyone intrigued. The ingenuity and creativity with which the little children enacted the characters of dreamland was indeed a cause of dumbfound fascination.

The benevolence of the girls was rewarded and he play ended with a simple yet important message on how one good turn deserves another.

The extremely gifted teachers of Stepping Stones enthralled the audience with a soulful rendition of the song “When you believe “.