I Gaze At Thee!


I Gaze At Thee!

On the 69th Independence Day of our wonderful country – India, a salute to the tricolour which inspired millions to fight for freedom, and continues to inspire millions more to fight to keep the freedom too!

I Gaze At Thee!

I gaze at thee
With wondrous eyes
Upon the magnificence of thy light
Remembering that unsung millions died
For this freedom
That I now wear with pride

I gaze at thee
With wondrous eyes
Upon the undying love commanded, by right
Over millions, who at outposts wait
To shed , if required ,in a trice
Their blood, their sweat,
Why, even their very life!

I gaze at thee
With wondrous eyes
Upon the serenity the mind gets at thy sight
Lifting spirits across the horizon infinite
Enveloping in warmth so right & true
Within the intricate tapestry
Of saffron, white, green and a spot of blue

I shall gaze at thee , I shall gaze at thee
Indeed forever so
For truly tricolour,
You shall always be,
Most beautiful and wondrous
to behold in my sight !

-Susanna Sunil