IVC Virtual Symposium

Round Square

IVC Virtual Symposium

Name of the Event:  IVC Virtual Symposium
Special Guest: Nil
Venue:  Global Public School, Thiruvaniyoor    
Date: 8/12/2021

The symposium was a very good learning opportunity for our children.
There were two participants representing our school-Jesse Joby Kondody and Madhav Balraj.

The event was hosted by a College in Pakistan. The topic was Conservation of our Cultural Heritage. The theme was based on Indus Valley Civilization.

We presented our PPT and discussed about How to conserve our heritage-importance of conservation and as a growing young generation, what can we do in order to conserve these monuments.

After the presentation, participants were requested to have an open discussion where they had to explain about their learning experience.

Our participants did a good job.

Name of teacher/student In- charge:
Beenamol T Thomas/Madhav Balraj and Jesse Joby Kondody

Head Enrichment