Red Bricks and Green Grass – A Start to a Blog
June 20, 2012 2021-05-27 22:39Red Bricks and Green Grass – A Start to a Blog
Red Bricks and Green Grass – A Start to a Blog
I must warn you that this blog is as much an outpouring of news, noise and nibbles about what happens at Global Public School as it is about this deep-seated ‘creative’ factor that suddenly seems to have taken a stranglehold on my senses.
For starters, I am Susanna, Head of the ICT Team at @GPS . …and the phrase ‘Brick n Glade’ is borrowed from the Global Public School anthem. Go on and hear a spirited rendering of it by our school choir! If you noticed you were watching it on TheGPSChannel, our very own YouTube channel.
School has just reopened but “busy” seems to be a word that’s out of place to describe school this year. We had CBSE inspections for Grade XI affiliation bang on the third day of school – an inspection that really was in-depth in every aspect. Second week found us hosting a Kerala Independent School Associations Conference, aptly termed Confluence 2012.
And this week found us choc-a-bloc with Coffee Mornings with Parents, Student Council Investiture, IGCSE exams and wait a minute there’s more… Montage – a celebration of children’s art .
Don’t forget to catch the next post for more on Montage!