Red Bricks and Green Grass – A Start to a Blog


Red Bricks and Green Grass – A Start to a Blog

I must warn you that this blog is as much an outpouring of news, noise and nibbles about what happens at Global Public School as it is about this deep-seated ‘creative’ factor that suddenly seems to have taken a stranglehold on my senses.

For starters, I am Susanna, Head of the ICT Team at @GPS . …and the phrase ‘Brick n Glade’ is borrowed from the Global Public School anthem.  Go on and hear a spirited rendering of it by our school choir!  If you noticed you were watching it on TheGPSChannelour very own YouTube channel.

School has just reopened but “busy” seems to be a word that’s  out of place to describe school this year. We had CBSE inspections for Grade XI affiliation bang on the third day of school – an inspection that really was in-depth in every aspect. Second week found us hosting  a Kerala Independent School Associations Conference, aptly termed Confluence 2012.

And this week found us choc-a-bloc with Coffee Mornings with Parents, Student Council Investiture, IGCSE exams  and wait a minute there’s more… Montage – a celebration of children’s art .

Don’t forget to catch the next post for more on Montage!